Our Philosophy
Seton Hill Child Services exists as a support service to families with young children in Westmoreland County. Health, safety, nutrition, self-help skills, education, parent involvement, and the availability of social services are all essential aspects of a quality childcare program. At Seton Hill Child Services, you will find all of these, along with a quality group experience in a loving, accepting environment.
What People Are Saying

The Center was one of the best places! I would recommend this place to anyone. I loved how the parents were involved in their learning the entire time, and staff was AWESOME! <3
This is a great school. I loved the teachers. They handled Jace so very well. Teachers taught him so much. I will miss this school so much. Thank you for all you’ve done!
We always had a blast. Kailynn talks about each teacher she has had and has grown so much during the two years at Seton Hill. We are so sad to leave, but glad to have had such a great time.
Thank you all so much for teaching Connor! Although his time was cut a little short, he always came home with a smile on his face and told us what a wonderful day he had. He is sad to be leaving, but I know he will remember everyone and all the fun he had. I can’t thank you enough!!
Jace has opened up so much and learned so many things. He never gave me a hard time about going to school. Jace and Kodi just love learning. They can even add planting flowers to their activities that they did every day. The zoo was the highlight with Jace!
Mila and I will never forget the Trunk or Treat event. The ladies did such a wonderful job coordinating this event. We had such a blast, and we were excited to win third place for our Frozen Trunk. The zoo trip was also a fabulous time! Thank you for the memories! <3